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H.O.M.E. Master Class

Let's Get Organized Together!

Ready to make a lasting change in your home? This Home Organization Made Easy Master Class will be the breakthrough you’ve been looking for to finally understand why and how to create more order and peace in your home — and stop feeling so overwhelmed.
This master class started with my first-ever "M.O.M. Challenge". M.O.M.=Master Organizer of Mayhem was the book I wrote in 2019 to encourage moms to give themselves some grace and find more efficient ways to tackle their mayhem. Almost a thousand moms came together to encourage one another to take on one project over 5 days. The challenge may be over, but it's not too late to create change in your home!
This will seriously be the best investment you make this year for your home and family.

Your Master Class will include:

  • Forever access to master class video training sessions
  • Access to all the bonus training sessions— plus the Q & A recordings from the challenge
  • Worksheets to maximize your productivity!

The Pillars of Home Organization:

  • Pray + Pick: how to pick a project and create a vision for your space
  • Glean + Tweak: how to create a game plan for your project
  • Clear + Clean: how to properly declutter your space
  • Categorize to Organize: how to create categories and organize your space
  • Pop of Pretty: how to create a beautiful space that will stay tidy

Bonus Training Includes:

  • Kid Clutter (creating systems for them)
  • Making Time to Organize (balancing life and home)
  • Clutter Magnets (like the garage, closets, etc.)
  • Paper Clutter (paper pile solutions)
  • Books + Bookshelves