This webinar is going to be your “crash course” introduction to the ins and outs of how to successfully homeschool this upcoming school year. It's filled with exactly what you need to feel equipped and confident to get started and make a smooth transition into homeschooling.
①A little “Homeschooling 101” with all the how-tos you need to get started and create a game plan for this school year
② Advice on how to simplify what you teach and how you teach it
③ Money-saving tips so you don’t overspend on things you don’t need
â‘Ł Some of my best hacks for getting school work done with your school-aged kids when you also have little ones in the house
⑤ Practical tips for balancing working from home and homeschooling
â‘Ą Some much-needed sanity-saving tips for hard days and for carving out a little time for yourself
⑦ Ideas on how to make sure you and your kids find ways to be social
⑧ Time for Q & A at the end!
This is going to be a game-changer for your whole school year! You won't get this type of advice anywhere else. I’m not about theories, I’m about practical ways to get things done so that homeschooling doesn’t dominate your life.